Malaga Festivities

1st of January

New year's day. National holiday.

5-6th of January

The procession of the 3 Holy Kings. In Spain this event is celebrated with big parades for children where various famous people get the "honor" to play one of the 3 kings. On the morning of the 6th of January is when the children receive their gifts.

From the 23rd of February

Carnival. The yearly carnival is celebrated all over Spain with events like parades, mask and costume parties.

28th of February

Day of Andalusia. A state holiday throughout Andalusia.

1st of May
International Labour day. A national holiday in Spain.
3rd of May
Cruces de Mayo. This day is celebrated (principally in Granada) with competitions in decorating the most beautiful cross with flowers, but is not a holiday in Malaga.
18th of June
Corpus Christi. This is a religious event celebrated with processions in the centre of Malaga, but is not a holiday.
23rd of June
San Juan. San Juan is the longest day of the year and is celebrated with campfires and parties on the beach. (not a holiday)
16th of July
Virgen del Carmen. Virgen del Carmen is the Saint of the sea and previously used to be a holiday in Malaga.
Middle of August
The traditional summer town festival "Feria de Agosto". La Feria is a weeklong town festival, which is celebrated during the daytime in the city center and during night in an open square in the outsides of Malaga. The main objective is to have fun and people are dancing, singing, eating, and drinking in the many tents all over the Feria square. In la Feria you can also find horse parades, flamenco concerts and locals in traditional regional dresses.
15th of August
Asuncion de la Virgen. This is a national holiday celebrating one of the Saints of Spain.
19th of August
Incorporation of Malaga in the kingdom of Castilla. This is a local holiday in the province of Malaga.
8th of September
Virgen de la Victoria. Local holiday in the capital of Malaga.
12th of October
Dia de la Hispanidad. This is a national holiday with official parades celebrating "being Spanish".
1st of November
All Saints day. National holiday in Spain. Halloween is celebrated in some places in Malaga but it is not a Spanish tradition.
6th of December
Constitution day in Spain. This is a National holiday, but is only celebrated with official events. 8th of December - Imaculada Concepcion. This is a national holiday celebrating the Saint of Spain, la Imaculada Concepcion.
25th of December
Christmas day. National holiday.
28th of December
Los Santos Inocentes. Apart from being the day where people make jokes upon each other (like 1st of April in many other countries), this is celebrated with Flamenco dancing and other festivities in Malaga.
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